Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Roe Effect

The Roe effect, a phrase that was coined by James Taranto of The Wall Street journal. Basically his theory is that the more liberal you are, the more likely you are to have an abortion, therefore liberals will have less children. Conversely conservatives will have more children, and the world in general has and will continue to become more conservative.
I read another story basically backing the theory up, but including some other factors. I found it very interesting, and i thought i should warn you hippies out there. You better start popping out some kids pretty soon, you're in danger of becoming extinct.
Read the story here


Mookie McFly said...

That theory may fly in Washington State and Utah but not in the Big East. The conservatives I know are professionals who spend more time working than making babies. Hippies around here on the other hand tend to be less employable or at least have more spare time...and they seem to make lots of babies. Take a look at the Aurora for instance. How many of us have kids? Yet look at your friends who keep it laid back...they probably don't use birth control despite clamoring for it in the public schools and are probably a couple of kids deep. I don't know about this theory or trend out west but it just doesn't seem to carry water over here...Young conservative professionals aren't popping out as many babies in my estimation while I see a lot of long haired little hippie babies running around...Plus look at the inner cities...The Blacks certainly aren't voting Republican but they sure do seem to have a lot of kids running around...

CrackerLilo said...

Those children of conservatives may grow up to become rebellious teens and young adults.

Drew Dallons said...

Hmmm. I don't think liberals are more apt to have abortions. I think they are more apt to not have kids in general though. As far as the Utah example goes... come on... they're predominantly Mormon. It's commanded of LDS members to have as many babies as they possibly can (to bring babies hither from the spirit world or something to that nature). I'm sure the childbearing population is high among Catholics as well.

Rhino-itall said...

did you guys read any further into the article? the studies are clear. Obviously he used the child dog thing because it's interesting. Fly you're right, here in the LIBERAL northeast, most young professionals aren't popping out kids at a great rate, but this is one small area of the world. Also, as for blacks they might be having a lot of kids, but they're also having a disproportionate amount of abortions relative to their overall numbers.
this study includes europe too.

Drew, are you serious? You don't think liberals are more likely to have abortions? Of course they are.

Warlike said...

The Blacks Gadfly? I'm going to give you a pass because its your week.
The roe effect is hogwash. Latinos like Rhino have the most kids and they wouldnt be considered conservative.

Rhino-itall said...

warlike it's no myth. The hispanics are mostly catholic, and therefore more conservative on social issues.
And fly, the term is colored. please try to be more sensitive next time!

Anonymous said...

Well if this little thread doesn't sum up a lot here, I don't know what does. Thanks, guys.

Anonymous said...

And why not take it a step further? When a woman stays home with the kids- deny HER voting rights as well.

Anonymous said...

Women can vote??? When the hell did we let that happen. I dont like it when women suffer.

Mookie McFly said...

Colored makes it sound like "blacks" are more than one color...and do "white" people have no hue? Some are pink, some are a paler shade of tan...maybe, we should use "brown" but no one wants to be known as "brown" except for UPS ("who does brown aka #2 work for?")...No offense WL, I don't try to offend but apparently I do sometimes. You can go ahead and call me cracker.

Lily - I thought what happens at the Aurora, stays at the Aurora? And I second Donkey, when I say, "women can vote?" What is it? Sadie Hawkins day? Just kidding but that was funny...