Wednesday, February 15, 2006

It's All Fun and Games Until Somebody Gets Nuked

Hey did anyone hear about Cheney's hunting accident? Apparently somebody got shot. It's been fun, i enjoyed the coverage on The Daily Show. I thought the late night jokes were pretty good. Lets move on.
Did anyone hear about the hexagluoride gas at Natanz? Well here's the news that you aren't hearing about. The Iranians are feeding this gas UF-6 into centrifuges. I'm no nuclear scientist, but i hear this is a bad thing. Why? Well maybe because the whack job who's running that country has not only called for death to America, but has repeatedly said he will eliminate Israel. He is now one step closer to having these weapons. What now? What steps do we take?
Iran has been referred to the U.N. Security council, the French and the Russians have asked for talks, the Iranians said no. What next? Do we let them develop these weapons?
What will the reaction be if we take out these reactors? What if Israel does it? My thinking is we need to do it. Ideally we would have a coalition with the British, French, Russians, etc. But either way i think we need to do it. If we wait and the Israeli's do it, the reaction could be devastating.


Mookie McFly said...

If the Iranians didn't plan on using the materials to make nuclear weapons, then they would have let the Russians enrich the uranium for them...something they refused. So why did anyone sell it to them. The Iranians have a real need for this energy and no one should dispute that as they have a serious electricity shortage and an even heavier dependance on fossil fuels for their electricity than we do if you can beleive that...but there are too many crazies at the top in Iran who are looking for ways to make weapons when what their people really need is energy.

Warlike said...

I'm not ready to move on from that blind sneaky rat-Cheney. You know he just wanted to know what it felt like to squeeze off on his buddy. We can call it collatoral damage. He still doesnt have a clue what's it like to be in the trenches in war. He is a "fosse!!"

Drew Dallons said...

Bomb them. Oh, wait. That might not be good for the 120,000 service men and women that are camped out right across the border. So what does the US do?

Rhino-itall said...

No drew, allowing them to become operational would be a problem for our troops. destroying them before they're actually producing any nuclear material would be good for us.

Anonymous said...

Lets not forget Syria and the Iraqi WMD's that they are hording/holding/hiding.

Anonymous said...

Lauryn Hill?

Warlike said...

a centrifuge is the force used when the pellets separated from Dick's shotgun cartridges.

Mookie McFly said...

Lauryn Hill is more like the offense to Wyclef who wears his sunglasses at he he can...

Drew Dallons said...

That's not a viable alternative though. Iran has offensive capability with conventional weapons and from what I understand, they also have a large amount of chemical and biological weapons. Their leader is crazy enough to use them as well.

Rhino-itall said...

so what are you saying drew? should we invade?