Thursday, January 26, 2006

Yea Democracy!!!

Well! Finally those capitalistic pigs will pay for their crimes, eh? Eh comrades? Eh?
Austin, we won
Oh, groovy, smashing.

The March To Freedom tour continues. Its good to see our efforts are paying off and Democracy is sweeping the Middle East. Congratulations to the Palestinian people on this historic day, now they will see the light that holding free elections is the key to peace. Whats that? Hamas and Fatah supporters immediately clashed and violence ensued involving thousands of "voters". Nevermind.

Hamas you just won the SuperBowl MVP and captured 76 out of 132 Parliament seats, what are you going to do now???

Hamas: Were going to Disney World, and then of course set out on the utter and complete destruction of Israel. Praise Alaa Abdelnaby


Footprint said...

"Yes Democracy!!
Not yet.

"So now that you've won the election, what's next??"
"We're going to Disney World."
"Yes, we knew that. I mean after that??"
"We going to bomb. Lots of bomb."

Mookie McFly said...

Yes, Foot, Hamas will be joing the Steelers in Disney...and then they will leave a giant "f-ing" footprint on Israel...with the help of their partner in crime Iran.