Monday, December 12, 2005


Since Im probaly going to hell anyways, I may as well gun for a corner office.

(Doing my best Seinfeld impersonation)
Whats the deal with the Holy Father blasting the commercialization of Christmas?

Im not saying hes wrong. I couldnt agree with him more. However I find it mildly disturbing and hypocritical that a Church that contributes to the delinquency of old ladies bingo gambling addiction and from a man, or Pontiff, if you will that has his own line of gold plated crosses, a vanity calendar, and in his spare time blesses
Ferraris a tad bit ridonkulous.

Let's not kid ourselves, Church and commerce have always been intertwined. To deny so, would be ignorant, but I concur with Popa Benny and the Cards that we should not let an overindulgence of the nog, the last minute shopping, and the drunken company party revelry sidetrack us from baby JC's birthday.


Jimbo said...

WHat's funny about this is Jesus was probably born in September anyway.

Christmas is of course a variation on the winter solstice pagan rituals.

No, I don't celebrate Christmas. No, I'm not Catholic. No I don't care about the "Holy Father" the pope.

Hey pope, pfffffft. Frickin hypocrite.

Rhino-itall said...

for a man that don't go heels you run your mouth kinda reckless huh?

Anonymous said...

Easy Wifeypoo.

My razor sharp wit and Einstein like intelligence is the result of a Catholic education, and I consider myself a 'Lic. However when I see bullshit I gotta throw the flag.

Mookie McFly said...

Uh oh Jim is showing his Southern Christian Anti Catholic side! It's alright Jim us Catholics really don't bow to the Pope. According to the Baptists, we worship Satan, practice cannibalism and howl at the moon.

What up Donkey? When did you stop sticking up for the Pope-ah...Don't you know he started that whole hip hop craze dance "raise the roof"?

PS - I could care less but didn't the Catholic Church stop selling items of religous idolotry to gain acceptance into the kingdom of heaven after Vatican II? Last time I checked St.Paddy's cathedral in NYC still has a gift shop and you can buy pieces of the cross on EWTN w/Sister Angelica. I don't like the fact that people take roundhouse swings at the Catholics unabated but ALL religion is filled with a healthy amount of paradox. I only remember Jesus naming one rock for his church to be built upon but everytime you turn around there is a new bishop, cardinal, Pope being named. Stop the insanity. Let's all become Mormons.

Anonymous said...

I gotta call em as I see em Fly

but you know me...
Jesus is just alright with me, jesus is just alright, oh yeah

and you just know I still rock the Popa JP2 on the dance flo

much love to my peeps in the rectory basement at the cyo