Wednesday, December 07, 2005

A Day That Will Live in Infamy

Pearl Harbor Day, never forget.


Anonymous said...

Damn Krauts!!!!

Anonymous said...

and FDR was a commie!

Mookie McFly said...

Come on, FDR wasn't a commie...that's just wrong. The man was beloved. Ask Edith Bunker.

Rhino-itall said...

yo thats herbert hoover knucklhead. and don't mess with the bunkers, they got enough trouble with that meathead son in law.

Jimbo said...

What do the Krauts have to do with Dec 7?

Mookie McFly said...

Good point by Jim, it's the Japs day to live in infamy. Maybe Donkey needs a history lesson from Gary B...anyway, Rhino I'm not talking about the Bunkers now famous song but to other episodes where Edith mentions her affiliation with the pseudo left. This is another one of those times where you are wrong but since no one else pointed it out, I have to...Women loved FDR...FDR got their men off the couch and out to work. I know you'll disagree and say something like FDR did nothing, blah, scocio-economic climate of the time, blah blah blah...but in reality, he was a great man during a trying time. Don't be disrespectful of him like you hate it when the Dems take shots at Reagan. (similar because they received votes across party overwhelming numbers)

Anonymous said...

Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is!
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Hell no!

Mookie McFly said...

Yo, I'm about to put you "over" my knee Donkey...

Mookie McFly said...

You make me feel like talking about Henry the VIII and posting a picture of our own Civil War.

Anonymous said...

settle down Herman

Rhino-itall said...

fly you couldn't be more wrong. and don't ever mention fdr with Reagan again. fdr was a commie sympathizer, he put people to work? you mean to say he increased the size of government to unbelievable levels, and by the way, he made those increases not where they were needed most, but where it was politically advantageous to him. I'm not going to go so far as to call him a commie, but he was definitely more socialist than capitalist. I could go on and on about his missteps, but this is only the comments section.

Mookie McFly said...

I predicted this Rhino...the blah blah blogger. Just kidding but being more of a socialist than a capitalist in a democratic society isn't really a bad thing...Remember the apostles or were they just 12 commies.

Rhino-itall said...

the apostles? what the hell are you talking about? being a socialist is not bad, it's just wrong. flat out, it's a failed ideology. pesonally i would like to "feed the world" but remember, give a man a fish........ and he'll be looking for another handout tomorrow, or something like that.

Mookie McFly said...

Ah, you read my post from today! Anyway, I just can't see why you guys dislike FDR so much but then again I can't see why any woman would be caught dead with you or Donkey but they do it so go figure. Peace out and say the Apostles Creed before you go to bed tonight!

PS - I just remembered the first time I met you...Do you remember our first argument? About whether or not Queens should be considered part of Long Island? You are still such a jerk and that's a compliment to ya' Rhino! Or as good as it gets...

Warlike said...


Jimbo said...

I think you trace about 9/10ths of what is wrong with this country to FDR.

Of course, if not FDR it would have been Kennedy or Johnson so.....

Mookie McFly said...

Et tu Jim...

Jimbo said...

Or Carter or Clinton....

Imagine having to pay for halth care right now. SHEESH

Rhino-itall said...

actually 9/10ths is not really that far off. when you think about the way he coddled the labor unions, increased the size of govt, and allowed communism to spread without any resistence. not to mention the fact that he was the first and most abusive to use the supreme court as a political tool....