Monday, October 17, 2005

A Jornalist's Worth

We often give reporters a hard time for letting too much of their own personal opinion drip onto the news itself but in a time when there is such evidence of bias we are even more critical. However, I think it is also important to give them their due for putting themselves in harms way to report even if it turns out to be an opinion piece rather than news (who,what when, where, why & how being the criteria of an actual journalistic piece). Michael Yon who we laud on this page for being one of the best journalists out there just posted recently regarding what it takes to be a reporter embedded in Iraq. When you see what they go through, it makes you feel for them regardless of their opinion of this war (pro or con). They are heroes regardless of their affiliation. Yon points out that this is not a war like WWII where there is glory for reporters with liberation and defined victories. It is a war where most in the American government feel that the media portrays them in a poor light but to compound matters, our enemy also feels the media is out to get them...They are alone in a sea of confusion. No one is their friend. I think it might be time to applaud their resolve and let them know what they are worth to us.

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