Friday, September 02, 2005

Is this America?

I am shocked! I can't believe how poorly this disaster has been handled. Yesterday, as I was driving home from work i was listening to the Sean Hannity show on the radio. He did a live interview with Shepard Smith of the Fox news channel. The picture painted by Smith was, if you can believe it, worse than what we're seeing on t.v. He was telling about little children who were close to death, or dead already for a lack of water, food, shelter!! It had been 4 days since these people had clean water!! Children with nothing to eat! Dead bodies on the side of the road! He spoke of bands of street gangs and looters and people operating in an every man for himself mentality. It is like a third world country! The worst part however as far as i'm concerned was the fact that where he was, was on a major highway, HE DROVE IN! Why are people dying when we can drive in??? These people were let down by everyone, it's disgusting. How can this happen in the United States of America? By the way, how prescient does Peggy Noonan look now? She thought it might be a terror attack, but Katrina will do to show us how important it is to keep these military bases open.


Rhino-itall said...

hey wnk, i think i know what you're saying with dependency, but the fact that these people had nowhere else to go has nothing to do with it. even if you're wealthy, that wouldn't mean you had a relative in another state. Sometimes whole families have lived in a small area for generations. Also, even if you're not normally dependent on the government, that doesn't mean you have the assetts in place to take your whole family across the country. And by the way, the support network churches etc, was wiped out! wake up wifey, this has less to do with the welfare state, and more to do with a whitehouse that was totally caught with its pants down! what if this was a terrorits attack? we are not prepared! homeland security is a joke,fair or not, the president is responsible for the response. the president has failed these people, and the rest of us too. lets hope this is a wake up call to him, it has been to me.

Anonymous said...

Rhino , you Shep and Hannity should be ashamed of yourselves. Must the likes of you always be so quick to play the blame game? It was a natural disaster..get it? Meaning out of mans hands...the insinuations you and your ilk make are that people are not helping or do not want to help. Consider the logisitics of the matter...Our men and women in Emergency Response are doing the best they can. Give them a round of applause for the ones they have saved...not chastise them, for the ones they havent.

Mookie McFly said...

Rhino, you cannot be for states rights when it pleases your needs (i.e. voting Republican - who usually give states back their rights after a Democratic run Fed.) and blame the federal gov. after...Let's be honest, no one thought it would be this bad. Like September 11, no one would wish this on anyone and everyone wants to do something about it now...Give time it's chance to correct our mistakes and use your fingers to help...but don't point fingers just yet...Be aware that some people are just lying in wait for Americans to start fighting amongst each other. Remember how Rome fell and learn from history.

Rhino-itall said...

What the F does states rights have to do with this? The buck stops in the white house. If we get attacked by the mexicans should the federal government tell arizona to handle it themselves? that's just stupid! I'm not making any insinuations! I'm stating it in plain english... The response from the leaders of our country has been disgustingly lacking!!! Here's the logistics, I have been watching the news and saw people at the superdome who had no food or water until yesterday! It took 4 or 5 days to get them some food?? How can that be? 2 days before that i saw helicopters dropping sand bags in the water!! what was the priority? the water was already done rising!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh you were watching the news huh? Arent you the guy always ranting and raving about media bias , and yet now your are referencing their reporting as absolute fact. Obviously things could be handled better but why not cut some slack jack. Ill quote Mike Yon "But once the shooting starts, a plan is just a guess in a party dress."
In a perfect world things go according to plan...unfortunately we do not live in one. Maybe you should stop reading the nytimes or move to france...if your gonna pin this one on Bush...dont be a cindy sheehan

Rhino-itall said...

hey donkey, the president himself has said "The results are not acceptable" why don't you take issue with him? I'm not pinning anything on anyone, the fact is, he's the man! If the mets suck you're not firing all the players, you're firing willie! I'm not so naive that i think the president can wave a wand and everything will be ok, but a U.S. city with people dying because they don't have drinking water for 5 days in just appalling! I didn't say anything on day 1,2,3,or even 4!! I understand its not that simple, It's been 5 days!! As the president said, Unacceptable!

Anonymous said...

i banish thee. seriously are banned from using baseball references. you are the only american male i have ever known that not only doesnt understand or like the game of baseball but actually goes out of his way to disparage it. do you hold a grudge because when you were in high school rolling around with other dudes in spandex and ear muffs the baseball players were banging cheerleaders?


Rhino-itall said...

hey donkey, i'm not the only male in America who finds baseball to be boring. I also think most of those guys are puss bags. Football players play full contact with broken bones, hockey players get stitches on the bench, baseball players sit out for 2 weeks with a broken fingernail. Fags!

Anonymous said...

sorry i meant the only straight american male...i forgot you like your men more butch you nancy girl

Rhino-itall said...

Hey wifey, I understand your point, people shouldn't be so dependent on the government, but thats what the government wants! Check out Farah on drudge, he breaks it down pretty well.