Monday, September 26, 2005

Edith? Yes but Archie too...

In other words, it doesn't take a village, it just requires two parents. John Leo points out in this article All in the Family, that studies have been done, controlled for race and income etc. and the facts are there. Children born to single mothers who have never been married are the most likely demographic to commit crime, and to be impoverished. This is not news, it has been out there for a long time. Someone i knew a long time ago, who grew up in Brooklyn NY in the 50's told me that when he was a kid, Brooklyn was completely segregated, not just by race, but even nationality. The thing is, he said if you didn't see the people, you couldn't tell the difference between them. Everyone took care of their hoods, they had pride, and took care of their own. He also told me that the problem of teenagers being pregnant and having children out of wedlock was very rare, and this was well before roe v wade by the way. However as my old friend told me, that all changed when the state started taking care of people, and after abortion on demand became no big deal. What is your motivation to abstain when you can just have an abortion? What is the motivation to stay and make your marriage work when the state will feed your children? I know people will say that i am being overly simplistic, but i don't think so, and the studies are there, more importantly, experience and experienced people have told us the truth for years.


Mookie McFly said...

The motivation to stay married is mongamous sex which everyone is such a big fan of...badump bump.

Anonymous said...

Who you calling a statistic? So what youre saying is that a "study" proved that a household with 1 adult with 1 potential income is more likely to be more impoverished than a household with 2 adults with 2 potential incomes. What mathematician came up with that brillaint theorem? Pythagoras? Sad thing is that it was probaly another usless government funded "study". In regards to the "study's" findings regarding the crime rate, being raised by a single mother myself I would like at this time to invoke my fifth amendment right.

Rhino-itall said...

Hey hank, the welfare reform happened when clinton was in office, but was the product of the Contract with America. And maybe the pregnancies and births are down because 1972 was also the year that we started to have abortion on demand! gee, i wonder how many teens were reporting their pregnancies? coincidence???? i think not! how many abortions since 1972? how many before that? you do the math! in fact please, do the math! then tell me again how pregnancies are down! by the way, the "schmuck" from brooklyn happens to be a minority, and was lamenting the way things have declined in his community since the government took over as everyones sugar daddy!

Anonymous said...

Welcome Hank. I think Im missing your point on the welfare state...would you suggest the rich give their "steel" to the poor?

Rhino-itall said...

one more thing hank, next time you want to quote some statistics, don't pass them off as official government #'s when they came from a institution that obviously has an agenda. they admit in the info that you sent, their #'s are different from what you'll read elswhere, obviously we can all skew the #'s to our favor if we want. common sense is another thing altogether. come on hank, sing that song.

Anonymous said...

Nice try Hank. The Alan Guttmacher's opinion is about as valid as Steve Gutternberg considering that The AGI is the miltiary wing of Planned Parenthood of which Mr Guttberger was President of in the 60's and 70's

Rhino-itall said...

so the guy from police academy was president of planned parenthood? that guy is great.

Anonymous said...

No Rhino different guy...if it was... the blockbuster film starring Selleck, Danson, and Guttenberg would have been titled "3 Men"

Rhino-itall said...

welcome back gargie. I'm glad you expressed your views on abortion, but that wasn't the subject of the post. It was about the failure of the welfare state.