Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Impeach Bush!

In a recent post, i suggested the road to the white house will go through the border, that is becoming more evident every day. Joseph Farah, of World Net Daily is the latest to comment on the obvious. Pat Buchanan was the first to suggest impeachment over the issue. The president is letting us down on the southern border, he is reckless in his lack of enforcement, and the next president will be the person who comes out strongest on national security, and by that i mean enforcing the border laws. In Farah's column, he suggests Bush is part of some kind of global conspiracy for a one world government. I don't see that, in fact i think that's some kind of paranoia. I think it's all about political correctness, and multiculturalism. The president and his party are worried about offending the largest minority, and want to court their votes. They are making a huge mistake. La Shawn Barber makes some interesting points here, about the health care issues, and the fact that local governments are forced to deal with the problems that the federal government won't! I won't go so far as to endorse impeachment, but i will tell you this, i would consider crossing party lines in the next election over this issue, it is that important.


Rhino-itall said...

Hey mayor, one thing u said kind of makes sense, i think part of the reason we let these people in is for cheap labor. However, since they don't pay taxes, they aren't funding anything. Also did we have border patrol during slavery??? i'm confused on that one. Anyway, welcome aboard mayor i look forward to the future debate.

La Shawn Barber said...

Thanks for the tb, but you forgot to link to my post. :)

Mookie McFly said...

I know you are going to attack me but perhaps we are lax on our border issues because we have always been that way...Give us your poor, your hungry,etc..Maybe these are just words which is what you will probably reply but I think some people beleive in them and should...Just food for thought.

Rhino-itall said...

actually, the mistake most people make is in thinking we are a nation of immigrants, we are not. we are a nation of conquerers and settlers. and that give us your tired your poor your huddled masses thing is from the statue of liberty, which i believe was a gift from the French! need i say more?