Sunday, August 14, 2005

Gorelick-tion of Duty

Talk about the fox guarding the hen house. How is it possible Jamie Gorelick, the woman responsible for "the Wall" ended up on the 9/11 commission instead of being subpoenaed to testify in her administrations defense. The reason I bring that up now is because of the recent uncovering of a Dept of Defense outfit known as "Able Danger" that identified four of the 9/11 hijackers as potential threats a year before the attack but were not deported because "the Wall" stopped them from sharing the info. It's wrong to Monday morning quarterback the events of that day, and the only fingers that should be pointed should be at the low life al-Qaida animals that were responsible. However, more importantly it is our elected officials (Republican and democrat) DUTY to ensure such crimes against our country never happen again. EVER We have to figure out what went wrong, what we couldve done better to prevent it, and hunt down the camel cock suckers that would still do our country harm. This is no time for a cover-up. Save that for hotel break-ins and fellating interns.

1 comment:

Rhino-itall said...

Hey donkey, u hit the nail on the head with this one. here's another link with a similar story.